The 2024 City of Vancouver Transportation Survey asks questions to learn about the reasons for residents' mode choices, use of and perception of active transportation, and behaviours and attitudes related to bicycle use and e-micromobility device use.
Here is a sample of the questions asked:
About your household
- Type of Dwelling (house, townhouse, or apartment)
- Number of people in your household
- Number of vehicles available for personal use, and type of fuel use by those vehicles
- Number of bicycles
- Use of car or bike share programs
About you
- Your age and gender
- Do you have a driver's licence?
- Where is your workplace or school?
- How do you usually travel to work, school, or for recreation?
About your travel on a previous weekday
- Origin and destination (from where, to where?)
- Departure and arrival time of the trip
- Reason for making the trip (e.g. shopping, work, etc.)
- Mode(s) of travel (e.g. walking, cycling, transit, motor vehicle, car share, etc.)
A trip is a journey from one location to another by any form of transportation, whether driving or as a passenger, walking, cycling, public transit, etc.
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