The City of Vancouver's Transportation 2040 plan is a long-term strategic vision for the City that will help guide transportation and land use decisions, and future public investment. The City of Vancouver Transportation Survey helps the City to better understand the travel behaviour and preferences of residents, and will assist the City in making informed decisions regarding future transportation plans and investments.
Your participation will go a long way in shaping how your community moves. This is the tenth year of the City of Vancouver's Transportation Survey. The survey helps to identify and track trends in sustainable transportation, as outlined in the City of Vancouver's Transportation 2040 Plan, including the total number of trips, mode share, and vehicle-kilometres travelled. By understanding how, where, and why residents travel within the City of Vancouver, we can better plan our future transportation system and services.
The 2024 City of Vancouver Transportation Survey is a confidential and voluntary survey that tells us how, where, and why residents travel.
The survey data will benefit all residents of the City of Vancouver through informed transportation planning. Your input will help to:
Beginning in September and continuing throughout the fall, survey invitations will be randomly distributed to City of Vancouver residents. Participants can complete the survey by phone or online.
The 2024 City of Vancouver Transportation Survey is an initiative led by the City of Vancouver. The survey is being conducted on their behalf by an independent research firm, R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd.
Whatever your daily travel habits are, your input is valuable and will be used to guide future City of Vancouver transportation planning. This is an opportunity to make a difference!
The goal of the survey is to better understand travel patterns and preferences and track progress towards goals and targets outlined in the City of Vancouver's Transportation 2040 Plan. The information you provide will be used to make informed decisions on policies and projects related to transportation and travel behaviour.
The survey will take approximately 10-25 minutes to complete.
If you agree to be a panel member, you may be contacted in the coming years to complete follow-up surveys.
You can participate in one of two easy ways:
If you received a letter inviting you to participate, we would encourage you to do the survey online or please call us for assistance at the toll-free survey hotline at 1-855-412-1939.
The City of Vancouver Transportation Survey team is dedicated to protecting the privacy of its participants. Click here for more information: Privacy Statement.