R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. is committed to ensuring the protection of your privacy through responsible personal information management practices. We are a Canadian-based research firm conducting survey data collection under the direction of the City of Vancouver.
The personal information you provide (such as your name, address, and e-mail address) in response to this survey is subject to and collected under the Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) as well as other applicable provincial privacy legislation. Collection, use, disclosure, security, and retention of your information must comply with these statutes.
If you wish to validate the authenticity of this survey, you may contact
Traffic & Data Management Branch
Engineering Services | City of Vancouver
507 W Broadway | Vancouver, BC V5Z 0B4
Tel: 311 | e-mail: transportationdata@vancouver.ca
Your personal information will only be used for the purposes of this research. We do not share your information with other third parties including public bodies, corporate entities, or individuals except as authorized by law or as directed by you. We will not sell, share, or disclose your information to any type of mailing list.
Information provided by you is processed in a form that does not allow you to be identified. Your survey answers will be aggregated with that of other survey participants when data are analysed. Survey responses stripped of personal identifying information may be retained for future analysis.
If you give your permission to be contacted again for the City's transportation survey, your contact information and linked survey responses will be retained by the City only for use in future transportation surveys by the City. Malatest & Associates will only access your contact information and linked survey responses while our firm is under contract with the City for this research.
We are legally required to retain any personal information provided by you for a period of time that will allow you sufficient access to the information. Your information will be securely retained for at least 12 months after data collection. You have the right to access your own personal information subject to limited exceptions. A request to access personal information must be made in writing and must provide sufficient detail to identify the personal information being sought. If after completing the survey you wish to withdraw your consent to collect or retain your personal information, please email privacy@malatest.com.
Comments, questions, concerns or complaints regarding your personal information or our privacy policy and practices, should be forwarded to our privacy officer via email at privacy@malatest.com or in writing as follows: Attn: Privacy Officer, R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd., 201-862 Cloverdale Avenue, Victoria BC V8X 2S8.
For more information regarding Malatest & Associates' Privacy Policy, please visit https://www.malatest.com/privacy-policy/.
For more information about participation in the Vancouver Transportation Survey, please contact 1-855-412-1939 (toll free) or email info@vantripsurvey.ca.